A high school turned down a Macklemore visit, but not for the reason you may think
It’s not difficult to imagine a high school turning down a visit from Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. For all of their success (or perhaps because of it), Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are not cool. High schoolers, on the other hand, are very cool. Ergo, they probably don’t want Macklemore and Ryan Lewis to perform at their southern California high school, right?
Wrong. At Aliso Niguel High School in Orange County, teachers shut down a Macklemore/Ryan Lewis appearance because… “parents said that Macklemore and Ryan Lewis support alcohol and drug use and misogyny in their music,” the Orange County Register reports. Interesting, considering Macklemore’s history writing… songs about how kids shouldn’t do drugs, and songs about the dangers of drinking.
Aliso Niguel won the “Chegg + Macklemore And Ryan Lewis” contest by registering enough students on the textbook and rental website to bring the duo to perform a concert at the school. (The contest also came with a $10,000 grant for the music department.)
The Register reports students have launched a petition on change.org—as of this writing, there are 6,596 signatures.
Michael Rosen is a reporter for Fusion based out of Oakland.