Chelsea Manning Tore the Arguments for Trump's Trans Ban to Shreds in Just a Few Cutting Tweets
Donald Trump’s announcement that he would ban all trans people from serving any role in the U.S. military has been met with a furious outcry from all sides—including from several notable GOP leaders.
But the person offering one of the best—and most pointed—critiques of this ban is none other than whistleblower, veteran, and trans icon Chelsea Manning. Following Trump’s morning missive, which was delivered very presidentially via fucking Twitter, the famous whistleblower took to the social media platform to share her own thoughts.
Manning called out the hypocrisy of Trump’s rationale for the ban, which hinged on the “tremendous medical costs” that trans servicemen and women would incur:
She noted that the biggest and most expensive military on earth “cries about a few trans people but funds the F-35? Sounds like cowardice.”
The F-35 program, by the way, is the single most expensive U.S. weapons program in history. The most recent cost estimate of the fighter jet program? Over $1 trillion.
“Today is further reason we should dismantle the bloated and dangerous military/intel/police state to fund #healthcare for all,” Manning tweeted.
As many articles have been noting, the estimated cost of healthcare for trans servicemen and vets is laughably low. According to the Palm Center, an independent think tank, the cost of providing hormones and medical treatment to trans members of the the U.S. military would cost about $5.6 million a year. Or, as Quartz puts it, “one-hundredth of 1% of the U.S. military’s healthcare budget.”
Manning also made clear she also doesn’t have time for New York Senator Chuck Schumer’s shit either.
Coming for Schumer’s Acela seat? Ms. Manning! We are shook.
Of course, the trolls came out of the woodwork to squat in Manning’s mentions. The thing is, you don’t go through what Manning went through without learning the fine art of not giving a damn.
Take note on how she dispelled of one hateful little cretin:
Manning was joined in her criticism by the ACLU, which has been a key ally of hers.
The organization condemned the ban forcefully on Wednesday.