Comedian Pauly Shore Re–Emerges as Pompous White House Adviser Stephen Miller
Leave it to a member of the Trump administration to breathe
new life into the career of a 90s comedian.
Pauly Shore, however, is surprisingly spot–on with his parody
of the pseudo–intellectual, dog whistle–blowing White House adviser Stephen
Miller, who made a name for himself (again) this week by saying some outrageous
things about the Statue of Liberty and immigration, and then feigning outrage
over a CNN reporter’s comments about it.
If you missed that exchange, you can watch
the entire thing here, although be warned, you will want to destroy things
or toss your laptop out the window. Funny or Die has now recreated the Miller
press briefing featuring Shore, who you may
or may not remember depending on when you were born, ranting about
ectoplasm and Wolverine.
As HuffPost’s Andy McDonald points
out, the funniest line of the parody is Shore saying, “Look at me directly
in my forehead and tell me I’m not lying,” after reminding CNN’s Jim Acosta
about the time magician David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear.