Donald Trump was too busy honking a horn to care about his health care bill collapsing


On Thursday afternoon, two equally important things happened:

The Republican-backed effort to repeal President Obama’s Affordable Care act and replace it with their much-maligned American Health Care Act collapsed after a week of infighting and unsuccessful deal-making.

Also, President Donald Trump honked the horn of a big truck!

While Congressional GOP leaders were scrambling to reschedule that evening’s schedule vote on what had been dubbed “Trumpcare” by everyone but the White House itself, the legislation’s namesake was busy goofing around in the cab of an 18-wheeler while representatives from the trucking industry applauded.

While meeting truckers and CEOs, President Trump sits in truck and honks horn @WhiteHouse. Full video here:
— CSPAN (@cspan) March 23, 2017

He also got a nice button.

The delay of the House’s vote on the AHCA is a decisive blow to what had been one of Trump’s lynchpin campaign promises. Just hours before news of the rescheduling broke, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer assured reporters that “nothing leads me to believe that” Congressional GOP leaders would walk back their much-hyped plans to repeal President Obama’s Affordable Care Act on the seven-year anniversary of its passage.

Press Sec. Spicer: “Nothing leads me to believe” health bill vote will be delayed
— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 23, 2017

He also insisted the bill would pass.

President Trump, meanwhile, was busy doing this:

And this:

Which isn’t to say the President was wholly unaware of the bungled mess his party’s health care efforts had caused. When asked about the delay in the AHCA vote, he reportedly shrugged.

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