How to Not Do Collusion 

The Senate Judiciary Committee released thousands of pages of transcripts, texts, and emails related to the much-scrutinized June 2016 Trump Tower meeting today. For me, though, there is but one single page.

As you may recall, about a year after the meeting occurred, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out the full contents of an email chain between himself and Rob Goldstone, a British PR professional known for representing wealthy clients like Michael Jackson and Best Buy, and the man who arranged the rendezvous.

At the time, the email chain—which showed the legally ignorant son agreeing to take a meeting with the Russian “crown prosecutor” (there is no such actual position in real life) to obtain “very high level” and “sensitive” information about Hillary Clinton—was received with amused shock. As we now know, it wasn’t just the media that was baffled.

Someone—according to CNN, the (far more savvy) son of Ike Kaveladze, a Russian lawyer who was present at the meeting—emailed Kaveladze on the same day Don Jr. made the brave decision to release the email.

It is by far the most satisfying page released today, and it reads, in its entirety:

Why, indeed.

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