Joe Biden Calls for Trump's Impeachment for the Very First Time

On Wednesday, for the first time during Donald Trump’s extremely long and excruciating presidency, former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said that Trump should be impeached.

“To preserve our Constitution, our democracy, and our basic integrity, he should be impeached,” he said during a speech in Rochester, NH.

“He’s shooting holes in the Constitution,” Biden said. “And we cannot let him get away with it.”

Two weeks ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry over a whistleblower report that Trump had pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

“He is targeting me and my family with lies and distortions and smears and that is all that they are because he thinks it will undermine my campaign for the presidency,” Biden said.

Over the weekend, the New York Times wrote that Biden “struggled to form a response” to Trump.

“He’s not just testing us,” Biden continued Wednesday. “He’s laughing at us.”

Pretty hard to disagree. But literally what took him so long, especially given that the impeachment inquiry is literally about him and his family? Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib called for Trump’s impeachment in January.

“Trump will do anything to get re-elected, including violating the most basic forms of democracy. It’s stunning, and it’s dangerous,” Biden said. He added, “No president in history has dared to engage in such unimaginable behavior.”

So if it’s so obvious, why is he only saying something now?

“Several Democrats close to Mr. Biden say he did not take on Mr. Trump sooner in large part because of his reverence for congressional prerogatives—he did not want to immediately insert himself into the House’s jurisdiction,” the Times reported.


“With his words and with his actions, President Trump has indicted himself,” Biden said. He added, “By obstructing justice and refusing to comply with the congressional inquiry, he has already convicted himself.”

That seems like a pretty optimistic read of this whole Donald Trump situation to me. But what do I know!

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