Just Trump Freaking Out and Threatening to Throw a Reporter in Jail

President Trump threatened to jail a Time magazine reporter for documenting the existence of a letter he showed off during a recent White House interview, the magazine revealed in a transcript on Thursday night.

Trump proudly showed the reporters and editors interviewing him a letter from his friend, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, before threatening to jail them when their photographer tried to take a picture of it.

Here, from the transcript which Time released, is what went down (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: Here’s a letter, O.K., now I’m going to show you this letter. So this was written by Kim Jong-un. It was delivered to me yesterday. By hand.
SANDERS: You can’t take a picture of that, sorry.
TRUMP: Excuse me — Under Section II — Well, you can go to prison instead, because, if you use, if you use the photograph you took of the letter that I gave you
TIME: Do you believe that people should be —
TRUMP: confidentially, I didn’t give it to you to take photographs of it — So don’t play that game with me. Let me just tell you something. You take a look —
TIME: I’m sorry, Mr. President. Were you threatening me with prison time?
TRUMP: Well, I told you the following. I told you you can look at this off-the-record. That doesn’t mean you take out your camera and start taking pictures of it. O.K.? So I hope you don’t have a picture of it. I know you were very quick to pull it out — even you were surprised to see that. You can’t do that stuff. So go have fun with your story. Because I’m sure it will be the 28th horrible story I have in TIME Magazine because I never — I mean — ha. It’s incredible. With all I’ve done and the success I’ve had, the way that TIME Magazine writes is absolutely incredible.

Just a normal day with a normal president.

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