Orange Is the New Black’s Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli got engaged, y’all

You may still be mourning the death of Poussey on the latest season of Orange Is the New Black (NOT A SPOILER, IT’S BEEN MONTHS), but actress Samira Wiley has some pretty exciting news. She and OITNB writer Lauren Morelli are engaged!

The two met through the show, while Morelli was still married to her then-husband. In May of 2014 Morelli penned an essay describing her experience coming to terms with her sexuality months after her wedding, detailing how writing for Orange Is the New Black (specifically, writing Piper’s storyline as she attempts to juggle her relationship with and attraction to Alex and her marriage to Larry) helped her reconcile that. Later that September, news surfaced that Morelli was dating OITNB star Wiley, launching the two into #relationshipgoals status. I mean, come on!

Congrats to them!

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