RIP Donald Trump (Balloon)

Standing alongside British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday, President Donald Trump insisted the thousands of people who’d taken to the streets of London to protest his state visit were nothing but “fake news.”

But whether the president wants to believe it or not, there were massive protests against Trump’s presence on British soil on Tuesday, with throngs of people marching through London’s Trafalgar Square as the massive Baby Trump Baby balloon soared, once more, overhead. But while the diapered effigy of America’s 45th president may have become one of the most obvious symbols of the UK’s anti-Trump fervor, not everyone was a fan.

An internet personality who goes by “Based Amy,” real name Amy Dalla Mura, a far-right British troll and self-described “‘Free Speech’ and anti-Sharia law activist,” took umbrage at the Trump balloon and—in a sign of ultimate respect for the cherished image of her MAGA hero—stabbed the dang thing to death, blurted out a timely Austin Powers “yeah baby!” and posted the footage (sideways) to her YouTube channel.

“That’s a disgrace,” she can be heard shouting in the footage. “It’s a national disgrace. The president of the United States is the best president ever!”

Following Amy’s attack, a representative from Scotland Yard told The Independent that “one female has been arrested for being in possession of a pointed or bladed article.”

In a separate statement to The Independent, a spokesperson for the group behind the Trump balloon said “It’s not surprising that the far-right would want to meet freedom of expression with violence.”

The spokesman also confirmed the balloon that took the hit—which, based on photographs from the scene, was totally deflated—was in fact one of the mini baby Trump balloons made to be carried during the protests, and not the 20-foot tall blimp that had flown overhead earlier that day.

The Trump Baby is dead. Long live the Trump Baby.

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