Rudy Giuliani's Big Mouth Subpoenaed

White House

Rudy Giuliani’s recent string of bombastic media appearances has finally gotten him the attention he’s looking for.

The House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform have subpoenaed Giuliani, lawyer to President Donald Trump, as part of their impeachment inquiry into whether Trump encouraged foreign influence to assist his 2020 re-election campaign.

“Our inquiry includes an investigation of credible allegations that you acted as an agent of the President in a scheme to advance his personal political interests by abusing the power of the Office of the President,” a House notice about the subpoena reads, citing the “growing public record” of Giuliani’s own statements on his potential involvement.

Specifically, the subpoena mentions Giuliani’s CNN appearance from earlier this month in which he told host Chris Cuomo “Of course I did” when asked if he asked Ukraine to “look into Joe Biden.”

The former New York City mayor’s luck on screen dwindled from there. Giuliani has outed his boss’ involvement multiple times, fought with other hosts and talking heads many times more, called himself the hero in this entire scandal, and then went completely mad this weekend. Busy man!

Giuliani has until Oct. 15 to turn over documents related to the inquiry.

Read the full subpoena from the House below:

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