The Finnish government just released some strange (and risque) emojis
Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs just released a set of national emojis which they hope will celebrate and promote “not only our weirdness but also our strengths of which unarming honesty is one example,” a ministry spokesperson said.
It’s the first country in the world to offer an official government-approved set of emojis to represent the country. The emojis were launched on the “Finnishness” section of the ministry’s website. The website explains:
Feel like banging your head a little? Naturally after a crazy headbangers’ ball you just want to throw your (unbreakable) phone away, take your clothes off and go to sauna and relax? You must be a Finn (or a very Finn-like person) then!
The three released today feature a headbanger, a man and a woman naked at a sauna, and a Finnish-designed Nokia phone you might recognize:
“The Finland emojis were designed with a tongue-in-cheek approach, but I hope that they will tell the world not only about our special features but also something about our strengths. One example is disarming honesty,” said Petra Theman, Finland’s Director for Public Diplomacy, in a statement.
The release of these three emojis is apparently happening in the lead-up to the country’s official Christmas calendar, which will feature an advent calendar-style release of a new emoji every day in December.