Trump Wanders Off Again, Leaving Argentina’s Macri Confused at G20 Photo Shoot

He’s done it again.

President Donald Trump has strangely and awkwardly wandered off so many times during official events in the past two years that I’ve lost count.

The latest incident, which is now going viral on social media, occurred during a photo shoot with Argentina’s Mauricio Macri at this weekend’s G20 summit.

After pausing for a couple photos, Trump is seen on video shaking Macri’s hand and then walking off stage. Macri tries to beckon him back, to no avail, and an aide is seen pursuing the confused U.S. president. Apparently, the two leaders were supposed to have remained on stage for a G20 group photo.

Off-camera, Trump appears to have muttered, “Get me out of here.” Reporters started laughing, but I don’t think it was with the president.

As you may recall, last year a confused-looking Trump wandered away from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a press conference in Israel. Staff had to retrieve him.

In Poland, Trump delivered a speech, clapped for himself, adjusted his suit, smiled, and then strolled to a random spot on stage for no apparent reason other than to enjoy some live music away from the bullet-proof shield that was supposed to have protected him.

Descending from Air Force One, Trump once dodged the presidential motorcade parked directly in front of him and wandered off onto the tarmac. He was quickly guided back to the enormous black vehicle awaiting him with open doors and several Secret Service agents.

And then there was the ceremony in which Trump was supposed to sign an executive order, but forgot. He thanked his audience, shook a few hands, and then tried to bolt. “Mr. President, you need to sign it,” Vice President Mike Pence reminded him.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

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