Analysis of Facebook comments shows that Donald Trump supporters have the worst grammar

A new study by the service Grammarly found that Donald Trump supporters have worse grammar than supporters of the other Presidential candidates.

The Daily Dot reports that Grammarly analyzed thousands of Facebook comments on the pages of all 19 presidential hopefuls. Two trends emerged, per the Dot:

Democrats use better grammar than Republicans, and generally speaking, the more popular a candidate is—regardless of party—the more likely it is that their Facebook pages will be filled with grammatical errors.

Here’s a graphic of where the candidates on both side of the aisle rate, via Grammarly.

The biggest surprise? Democrat Lincoln Chafee’s 9,000-plus Facebook fans made the fewest number of errors. Also, Lincoln Chafee has not dropped out of the race yet.

The least surprising discovery? Trump supporters, of which there are about 433x as many on Facebook alone, make over 4x the errors in every 100 words of commenting (as Chafee’s minions). Rick Santorum and Marco Rubio round out the bottom. Of the Democrats, in keeping with the more-is-worse ethos, the worst grammar belongs to Hillary Clinton supporters.

The real winners, as always, however, are people who don’t comment about politics on Facebook.

[h/t The Daily Dot]

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