Ivanka Trump's #TimesUp Tweet Makes This A Good Time to Revisit the Sexual Assault Allegations Against Her Dad

Folks, it looks like the suffocating hypocrisy might never end.

Daughter of accused serial sexual predator Donald Trump told Twitter on Monday night that she finally got around to watching Oprah’s (already-iconic) Golden Globes speech, referring to the nine-minute treatise against sexual abuse and gender discrimination as “empowering” and “inspiring.”

She ended the missive with a reference to #TimesUp, the anti-harassment campaign launched this year by hundreds of Hollywood women, many of whom have also shared stories of sexual abuse.

The message fell flat coming from a woman who, despite claiming to champion working mothers and young women, has remained silent as more than 50 female lawmakers demand an ethics investigation into the allegations of sexual abuse made against her father—a man who has bragged on camera about groping womens’ genitalia, and who has fielded public allegations of sexual misconduct by 19 women. A man who encouraged Howard Stern to call his own daughter “a piece of ass.” A man who is now our president.

Ivanka’s tweet only highlighted the glaring gap in justice for men accused of assault in the political world. While Sen. Al Franken, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Ruben Kihuen, Rep. Trent Franks, and Rep. Blake Farenthold have all either resigned or announced that they will not seek re-election after facing allegations of sexual assault or harassment, Donald Trump has not yet faced a Congressional investigation for allegations that span three decades.

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