Let's Not Do This
Fox News host Neil Cavuto is getting some rather rapturous coverage for a pointed monologue on Thursday in which he told President Trump, “I don’t work for you.”
Cavuto made the comments after a string of broadsides by Trump against the network for some imagined slights. “My job is to cover you, not fawn over you or rip you. Just report on you,” he also said.
A lot of people are treating this as some kind of big deal. Guess what: it is not a big deal. Two things have always been true about Fox News: it has always been wholly in the tank for the Republican Party, and it has always had a light dusting of mild dissenters in its ranks to keep it from turning completely into state television.
Clearly, Trump is pissed at Fox News right now. But please do not mistake whatever dumb spat is currently happening for some big rift or evidence that the network is “turning” on him or that he is “turning” on them. It’s not happening. This is a network where Fox & Friends and Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity exist. So let’s not kid ourselves.