Man Trying to Oust Nancy Pelosi Says There Are Lots of 'Competent Females' Who Can Replace Her

Here’s a word of advice for any men in the House of Representatives who would like to weigh in on the gender dynamics of the Democrats’ ongoing battle over who will be the Speaker of the House: shut the hell up.

Specifically, I’m looking at Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan. As the New York Times reported on Thursday, Ryan—who is trying to undermine Nancy Pelosi’s “she’s got it in the bag, but actually maybe not?” race to regain the speakership—told journalists, “There’s plenty of really competent females that we can replace her with.”

Tim. For the love of god, if you absolutely must say anything (and really, you don’t!) please just say “women” and save us all the agony of having to sit through another awkward attempt at male allyship that ends up bungling the very point you were (I think?) trying to make: That some new leadership in the Democratic Party would probably be a good thing.

Ryan did, in fact, go on to name some potential other speakers, including fellow Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, who has flirted with a potential run for speaker over the past several days.

I have reached out to Rep. Fudge’s office to see how she feels about being labeled a “really competent female” and will update this story if she replies.

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