Mets fans agree: Yeah, Steven Matz looks a little like Joe DiMaggio!

Tonight’s the night: World Series Game 1! The New York Mets vs. The Kansas City Royals. It’s been 15 years since the Mets were in the series. The Royals lost in the final game of the series last year, and haven’t won since 1985. The tension is high!

Meanwhile, on MLB’s official New York Mets forum, fans are discussing whether or not Mets pitcher Steven Matz (age 24) looks like Yankees slugger and baseball legend Joe DiMaggio (deceased).

Ok, Mets fans are also discussing other things, like the Royals bullpen and if the Republican party is destroying the United States. But most importantly, posters are discussing this resemblance. Does the young pitcher look like the baseball player who once dated Marilyn Monroe?

For reference, here’s Matz at a hockey game a few of days ago:

And here’s DiMaggio in 1948:

This discussion actually began on Saturday, when intrepid Mets forum poster BigTon (pronounced, I’m guessing, Big Tone) asked “Doesn’t Matz kind of look like Dimaggio?” and answered “I think so.”

That day the argument raged, as user AdrianMonk affirmed “Yeah, he does somewhat” and poster thebobymon said “A little bit yes.” But there were also detractors, like p2may, who said “no, Matz is 24 and alive…Dimaggio has not been with us for a long time” and staub2015 who added “no he’s hotter” early on Sunday morning.

The comparison isn’t limited to the Mets forum. Twitter has been on it:

For a while now:

I saw Steven Matz & realized he looks exactly like Joe DiMaggio #mets #yankees @Smatz88
— Ella Skye (@XoGoddessElleXo) September 12, 2015

The conversation on the forum cooled on Monday, mostly affirmations that Matz is hot. But it reignited this morning with some speculation that Matz looked like fictional character Ferris Bueller (definitely not true), an assertion that didn’t even garner a response. However, bumped back up in the forums listings, user elguapo111 seized the opportunity to voice their opinion: “he looks like sandy koufax.”

elguapo111 is referring to long-retired Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax, who doesn’t really look like Matz! I can see DiMaggio, but Koufax? Are we even looking at the same players, elguapo111!?!?

Anyway, the conversation has since returned to the question of whether or not Matz is hot, as well as some gentle ribbing of staub2015, who returned to say “I wish I looked like him”

Matz isn’t scheduled to take the mound for the Mets until the fourth game of the World Series, on Halloween night. Spooky!

More on this important forum thread as it develops. But my take? I see it.

Ethan Chiel is a reporter for Fusion, writing mostly about the internet and technology. You can (and should) email him at [email protected]

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