Rick Perry Is Reportedly on His Way Out

Trump Administration

Energy Department Secretary Rick Perry is the latest Trump official to be planning his exit from the administration, according to Bloomberg. His exit isn’t imminent or ensured, but Perry is reportedly in the process of finalizing the terms and timing of his departure.

However, there’s some disagreement over whether Perry is really leaving. Energy Department spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes told Bloomberg that Perry wasn’t planning an exit from his position.

“He is happy where he is serving President Trump and leading the Department of Energy,” she said in a statement.

But three officials told Bloomberg that Perry was in fact seriously considering leaving, while another source said he hadn’t fully made up his mind.

The White House didn’t return Bloomberg’s request for comment.

Sources told Bloomberg that Perry has been grooming his deputy Dan Brouillette to take over for him.

Unlike many other recently departed administration officials, Perry and Trump have a good relationship. Trump reportedly asked Perry to take over for Kirstjen Nielsen as Homeland Security Secretary, but he declined.

Perry, you may remember, made news as Trump’s selection for Energy Secretary in part because he once proposed abolishing the department. Unlike the last two Energy Secretaries, Perry didn’t have a PhD in physics, but rather a degree in animal science. When he took the job, it was reported that Perry had little idea what running the department would actually entail.

So what has he been up to since then? Well, last year, Perry proposed paying coal plants money to reward them for still existing. And in 2017, he memorably suggested that fossil fuels could help prevent sexual assaults.

Apparently, Perry is considering leaving in order to make more money before he retires. Good for you, Rick. Get that bag. It’s been a great run.

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