Roy Moore: 'I'm Not a Sexual Predator, Please Donate to My Campaign'

On Thursday The Washington Post published bombshell of a report that would ordinarily sink any political campaign — if that person weren’t Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, whose Islamophobia, brazen homophobia, and racism has yet to deter the Republican Party.

Of course this is the era of President Trump and political campaigns haven’t been mired by sexual harassment or assault allegations in what feels like a lifetime — a dismal fact that Moore exemplified in a campaign email sent out mere hours after four women, one of whom was 14-years-old at the time, alleged he propositioned them when they were teens and he was in his 30s.

“The Obama-Clinton Machine’s liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me I’ve EVER faced,” the email read, before launching into a religious appeal for campaign donations.

“Their goal is to frustrate and slow down our campaign’s progress to help the Obama-Clinton Machine silence our conservative message,” Moore’s email continued. “That’s why I must be able to count on the help of God-fearing conservatives like you to stand with me at this critical moment.”

In order to “fight back against the forces of evil waging an all-out war” on conservative values, Moore makes one simple request: Give me your money. “Will you take a stand by chipping in a donation to let me know you’ve got my back,” he humbly asked.

Leigh Corfman, one of the women who spoke to The Post, alleged Moore, who was a district attorney at the time, initiated sexual contact with her when she was 14. Some reluctant Republicans have expressed tepid, craven discomfort with the allegations that stop just short of demanding he resign, while other Moore loyalists have offered some predictably bad excuses for his (alleged) sexual predation. Nothing, however, compares to the response of Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler, whose justification amounted to: “But, the Bible.”

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter,” Ziegler told the Washington Examiner. “They became parents of Jesus.”

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