Spring break douche patrol chanting ‘build that wall’ fails the most basic geography test

A group of American spring breakers reportedly went all the way to Mexico only to demand a physical barrier be built between the two nations—with them on the other side.

The group of irony-immune coeds caused a scene during a Cancun cruise by chanting the infamous line from President Donald Trump’s campaign.

According to the Yucatan Times newspaper, the incident happened aboard a “pirate ship” performance boat, which takes passengers out to sea for a pirate-themed show, replete with cannons and sword fights. There, newlyweds Sully and Anaximandro Amable described “a flock of Americans” who began shouting “build that wall,” after the trip’s performance had ended. On Facebook, Amable wrote:

Today I was with Suly, my wife (who is a native of Mexico), watching an entertainment show off the coast of Cancun aboard a boat, and at the end of the show, a flock of Americans (maybe under the influence of alcohol, or maybe not), began to sing the infamous “Build that wall” chant louder and louder [translation via Yucatan Times]

The paper reports that the Americans continued to chant, even after a number of Mexican passengers complained.

While critics of Trump’s wall argue that it’s nothing more than racism, they may well come around to the idea of constructing a physical barrier that’ll prevent douchey college kids from making fools of themselves in a foreign country.

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