Trump Won't Back Down From Vile Racist Attacks on Freshman Democrats

For the second day in a row, President Donald Trump attacked the quartet of freshmen Democratic congresswomen of color—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tliab, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley—continuing this weekend’s racist tirade, in which he demanded the largely American-born lawmakers “go back” to where they came from.

Trump overtly racist tweets, which have received virtually zero criticism from his complacent Republican colleagues, come amidst a widening rift between the progressive congresswomen and Democratic leadership. But rather than exacerbate the intra-party fight, as Trump is clearly trying to do, the president’s comments largely served to rally Democrats in their condemnation of this latest example of his blatant racism.

Trump’s early morning advisors on Fox News, however, simply laughed off this latest bout of unhinged racism.

Folks, it’s only Monday.

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