Watch Seth Meyers' Devastating Attack on Trump's Response to Charlottesville

On Monday evening, Late Night host Seth Meyers delivered a powerful, scathing monologue about the weekend’s events in Charlottesville, VA, and President Trump’s wholly inadequate response to them.

“We want to get started and we want to have a fun show, but we also want to address what happened this weekend,” Meyers began, before describing the killing of 32 year old Heather Heyer—as a “terror attack,” and playing a clip of Trump’s universally criticized “many sides” reaction to the neo-Nazi violence.

“If that choice of words made you sick to your stomach, the good news is you’re a normal and decent person,” Meyers said, adding that “the jury’s still out on the president.”

Noting Trump’s long history of bigotry, Meyers stated the obvious—that whether intentional or not, members of white supremacist movements see in the president a figurehead for their racist goals. He ended his monologue this way:

The leader of our country is called the ‘president’ because he’s supposed to preside over our society. His job is to lead, to cajole, to scold, to correct our path, to lift up what is good about us, and to absolutely and unequivocally and immediately condemn what is evil in us. And if he does not do that, if he does not preside over our society, then he’s not a president. You can stand for a nation, or you can stand for a hateful movement—you can’t do both. If you don’t make the right choice, I’m confident the American voter will.

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