The White House's Official Position Is That Anyone Who Accused Trump of Harassment Is Lying


The appalling allegations against Harvey Weinstein—and the tsunami of harassment claims made against other powerful men—have focused the public’s attention once more on admitted sexual predator Donald Trump.

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about the White House’s official position on more than a dozen allegations of sexual misconduct made against the president.

Does the White House believe that the sixteen women who have all claimed that Trump groped, grabbed, or otherwise sexually harassed them, are lying?

“Yeah,” Sanders answered without hesitation. “We’ve been clear on that since the beginning, and the president’s spoken about it.”

Because, when it comes to accusing the most powerful man on earth of sexual harassment, who are you gonna believe? Sixteen women, each with their own stories of groping, grabbing, and beyond, or a man who once bragged to Billy Bush that it’s okay to grab women “by the pussy”? Tough call.

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