We've Entered the Circle of 2020 Hell Where Andrew Yang Is Crowdsurfing


Andrew Yang made an appearance at the Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic Presidential Forum in Costa Mesa, CA, on Sunday. In this case, by “made an appearance,” I mean that he crowdsurfed.

Yang has capitalized on a viral groundswell of support by offering an avalanche of policy ideas—some good, some bad—centered around the incredibly popular idea of giving people free money, in some cases as a panacea to the massive problem of income inequality in America, which he (as a businessman) doesn’t really want to address. This plan has been incredibly popular with people who self-identify as “Redditors” for the obvious reasons, and has somewhat successfully pivoted to wider support, with Yang making it into each Democratic debate so far, even as more established politician candidates get left behind.

It’s a bit much to literally crowdsurf when you’re polling around 3 percent, but go off I guess! Somewhere out there on a countertop, Beto O’Rourke is absolutely seething that he didn’t think to do this first.

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