Another Lululemon Fail


This year has been rough for Lululemon.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg TV, founder Chip Wilson gave a controversial interview that has set the Internet ablaze. Wilson’s offensive—and possibly irrational—reasoning as to the sub-par quality of their nearly-$100 pants, has created another PR nightmare for the brand.

Instead of blaming Lululemon’s manufacturing process, Wilson blamed women’s bodies.

“There have always been pilling. The thing is that women will wear seat belts that don’t work or they’ll wear a purse that doesn’t work or, quite frankly, some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for it…they don’t work for some women’s bodies. Even our small sizes would fit an extra large. It’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there, and, I mean, over a period of time and how much they use it.”

Panelists, Nancy Redd, Helen Troncoso and Kaitlyn D Wozniak weighed in with Alicia on Alicia Menendez Tonight.

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