Here's a Republican Congressman Being Very, Very Anti-Semitic on Fox

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Republican congressman Louie Gohmert—a man with the dubious honor of having once been told to take “your medication” by a colleague in the middle of a congressional hearing, and who once insisted that sending gay people into space would doom humanity.

Gohmert was on Fox Business on Thursday when, like all addlebrained bigots, his conversation with host Stuart Varney mutated into a sort of racist free-form word association the Texas Republican ping ponged from Google to George Orwell to—inexplicably—philanthropist and right wing boogeyman George Soros.

Here’s Gohmert’s full Soros rant (emphasis mine):

Google is born in a free country and then they go over and oppress others—help oppressing another country. George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel, and the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped take the property that they owned. It’s the same kind of thing: Google coming from a free country and helping oppress.

Wow, so glad we have Louie Gohmert, deacon at the Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, TX, here to share his opinions on who should and shouldn’t be seen as Jewish (sorry, but claiming that Jewish identity is predicated on political fidelity to the modern state of Israel is fundamentally anti-Semitic) and using the same completely bogus examples pushed by tinfoil hat enthusiasts like Alex Jones.

And how about a special shoutout to Varney for just nodding and moving on like everything Gohmert just said wasn’t completely insane? Stu, my man, the stock market’s down 500 points today so far. Maybe having guests ramble about who is and isn’t a fake Jew isn’t the best use of your airtime. Just a thought.

Long after the segment was over, Varney offered the following apology of sorts:

Congressman Louie Gohmert, for some reason went out of his way to bring up George Soros and made unsubstantiated and false allegations against him. I want to make clear those views are not shared by me, this program or anyone at Fox Business.

I have reached out to both Gohmert’s office, and the Republican Jewish Coalition for comment on the congressman’s word vomit, and will update this story if either responds.

Meanwhile, happy Hanukkah to everyone except Louie Gohmert, who doesn’t get any latkes this year, or ever again.

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