Jeff Sessions Reportedly Urged FBI Director to Fire Slew of Top Officials

In an act that displays the incredible evolution of thought in the Trump administration, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has reportedly urged FBI Director Christopher Wray to purge his “core team,” including deputy director Andrew McCabe—the very same Andrew McCabe the White House chose to be acting director of the FBI after Donald Trump fired James Comey last May.

Axios reported Sunday that Sessions “adamantly” told Wray to make a “fresh start” upon assuming his post (which conjures up images of spiritual renewal like moving to California, not firing a slew of top officials from the FBI, but). From Axios:

According to this source, and two other sources briefed on the conversations, Sessions has been strongly urging Wray to do this for some time. Another person Sessions thought should be cleared from the core team: the FBI’s top lawyer James A. Baker, who was “reassigned” in December.
“The conversations about McCabe and the core team started shortly after Wray was confirmed,” said the senior administration source. “They intensified from there.” The New York Times — and others — reported in December that McCabe “is expected to retire after he becomes eligible for his pension [in] early [2018].” But senior Justice officials are still not sure what McCabe plans to do.

A spokesman from the FBI declined to comment on Axios’ reporting.

McCabe has been in the crosshairs of the White House from nearly the moment he took the role of Acting FBI Director and contradicted the Trump administration repeatedly. Trump has badmouthed him publicly several times.

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