San Francisco bottoms unite for Hillary

Are you ready to really show your neighbors and co-workers how much you trust Hillary Clinton? has you covered.

It’s a website that sells shirts with an unusual but serious message of support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, explained Ryan, 23, who started the site and its companion Instagram account last month.

If you’re not sure what bottoming means, Urban Dictionary it. Or take a look at the guy on the left in the picture below.

Ryan requested his last name not be used in this story. He said he wants more time to see what happens with this venture before going public and becoming instantly Googleable.

Ryan studied politics and business in college, and it’s turned out to be the perfect combination. There’s an entire philosophy around the shirts and the hashtag #BottomForHillary.

“With bottoming, there’s a lot that goes into it,” Ryan said in a phone interview late Sunday. “A lot of homosexuals understand the concept. Bottoming for someone takes a lot of trust and understanding.”

“A lot Republicans follow the Instagram handle, and they think it’s satire,” Ryan said. But it’s by no means satire. “It really is a compliment to Hillary,” he said.

Ryan said bottoming also requires hope, trust, and experience. “That’s kind of the same relationship that a lot of people have with Hillary Clinton.”

The idea for Bottoms for Hillary came up while Ryan was having drinks with friends in San Francisco. They’ve been wearing the shirts around the city. So far, he’s sold 30 shirts.

Ryan said the majority of customers have been men but that there a few women who have purchased shirts.

“I’ve spent no money on marketing, so that’s pretty good.”

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