This soccer star copy-pasted his resume from his Wikipedia page to run for mayor—and won


You can believe everything you read in Wikipedia about Mexican soccer star Cuauhtémoc Blanco. At least he does.

This week it was discovered that Blanco used a resume plagiarized from Wikipedia to register his candidacy for last June’s election for mayor of Cuernavaca. The former National Team soccer star, apparently at a loss for what to say about himself, simply copy-pasted his own Wikipedia page.

According to the sports website Medio Tiempo, Blanco’s resume offers no relevant information about academics or related work experience — it only lists his achievements on the soccer field, as told by Wikipedians.

Under “relevant facts,” Blanco’s resume notes that he’s the Mexican striker with most goals after Luis Hernandez, and scored 38 times while playing with the Mexican national team, among other soccer qualifications.

Fusion also obtained Blanco’s resume and compared it to his Wikipedia page. Take a look at the striking similarities:

And here’s the entire thing:

Blanco’s official tenure as mayor doesn’t start until Jan. 1. But the former footballer is already giving the good citizens of Cuernavaca some cause for concern, like when he recently confused feminicide with gender equality.

“How will you face the feminicide problem?” a reporter asked the mayor last month, referring to the growing number of homicides against women in Cuernavaca.

“Whoever wants to work is welcome, doesn’t matter if it’s man or woman, what matters is that she has a right and women are hard workers,” Blanco responded.

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