Use this flow chart the next time Ellen Page challenges you on LGBT persecution


You’ve probably seen the video of Ellen Page asking Sen. Ted Cruz about the future of LGBT civil rights.

The Republican presidential candidate was just grilling some pork chops at the Iowa State Fair on Friday when the semi-incognito actress began grilling him about the persecution LGBT Americans face—for example, how people can be fired in many states simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Cruz deflected by discussing Christians who feel they have been persecuted in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage—which, for the record, has nothing to do with the anti-LGBT discrimination Page was talking about. The senator also brought up the Islamic State, Iran, and Obama, because why not! You might say he could have handled it better.

Just in case Ellen Page shows up at your next barbecue and begins asking you perfectly reasonable questions about the persecution that LGBT people face, we’ve put together a helpful flow chart so you can figure out how to best respond.

Bad at filling out bios seeks same.

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