Seriously….How Are These Two Still Together

Marriage is a complicated thing, and far be it for me to second guess what goes on behind a couple’s closed doors. But by any stretch of the imagination, the union between the Conways—top Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne, and persistent Trump antagonist George—seems, at least based on their public actions, extremely fucking weird.

Less than 24 hours after the Department of Justice published Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, George continued his streak of criticizing the president, calling him a “cancer” and demanding he be removed from office in an opinion piece for the Washington Post.

“What the Mueller report disturbingly shows, with crystal clarity, is that today there is a cancer in the presidency: President Donald J. Trump,” George wrote, concluding that it was Congress’ obligation to “excise that cancer without delay.”

While George was presumably drafting his anti-Trump screed (which, although energized by Mueller’s report, is not altogether different from his longstanding criticism of the president), his wife was busy defending her boss on the White House lawn.

“We’re accepting apologies today, too, for anybody who feels the grace in offering them,” Kellyanne told reporters.

Did Kellyanne know her husband was about to publicly call Trump a “cancer” when she made her remarks? Who can say? Has she since extended her call for apologies to George, now that his essay has been published? We may never know. But boy does it sure seem like Easter weekend in the Conway house is gonna include some pretty awkward conversations around the dinner table.

Kellyanne has previously dismissed Trump’s direct attacks on George, defending the president for having silently endured her spouse’s barbs “out of respect for me” before Trump finally snapped and called George a “husband from hell,” and a “total loser.

“I feel there’s a part of him that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him,” Kellyanne told the Post last summer. “Which is ridiculous. One is my work and one is my marriage.”

Kellyanne’s bifurcation of her work-life and home-life is, if true, genuinely impressive. But after more than two years of the Conways’ increasingly divergent paths, you’ve gotta ask yourself: How long can this last? I don’t know. Maybe true love will win out in the end! Or perhaps the harsh reality of caping for an increasingly unrepentant mush-brain will finally strain the bonds of holy matrimony past their breaking point. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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