Thoughts and Prayers to Clay Aiken, the Latest White Dummy to Just Realize Trump Is Racist


Yesterday, white supremacist Donald Trump, who is also the president of the United States, made perhaps his most obvious and egregious display of racism yet when he blatantly defended neo-Nazis and white power supporters in Charlottesville. But if for some incredible reason, that was the thing that made you realize that the president was racist, instead of his lengthy, widely-known history of vehemently anti-immigrant, Islamophobic, and anti-black behavior, hopefully the idea that you’re in the same company as Clay Aiken is enough of a push for you to get your shit together.

Yesterday, the runner-up of Season 2 of American Idol, Season 5 of Celebrity Apprentice, and the 2014 North Carolina 2nd Congressional District election took a moment to address some stuff he has said about Donald Trump.

It’s true that, throughout the campaign, Aiken opposed Trump’s presidency, initially supporting Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid. And yet. Last year, Aiken told Fox Business that he didn’t believe Trump was a racist and that he was actually a Democrat, and last month he told the News & Observer’s Domecast podcast that on a personal level, Trump was “gracious” and a “nice guy,” although he still opposes Trump’s politics and stated that, “Donald Trump isn’t the businessman people believe he is” and didn’t actually fire people on The Apprentice.

Aiken also mentioned that deeming Trump a “fascist” and the aggressive rhetoric about him isn’t the best approach and that “we’d be better served to let people see what he’s going to do or not do.” Maybe if more white people like Aiken hadn’t overlooked Trump’s clear, persistent racism and incompetent narcissism in favor of giving him the benefit of the doubt, we wouldn’t be where we are now, but sure. Besides, over the weekend, we all saw what he did right after we saw what he didn’t do.

So, congrats to Aiken for realizing that Donald Trump—who, among other things, refused to apologize for calling for the death penalty for the falsely convicted Central Park Five (and insisting that they’re still guilty) is racist, I guess? Welcome to the party, maybe? Here is your “Yes, Donald Trump is a white supremacist” gift bag? I don’t know!

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