Trump shocked gay Apprentice candidate wasn't attracted to his hot daughter

During the 2007 season of The Apprentice, Donald Trump peppered Derek Arteta, a gay contestant, with invasive questions about why he didn’t find women attractive—in particular, his daughter Ivanka, according to fellow contestant Jenn Hoffman, who wrote about the incident for Esquire‘s pop-up of Spy magazine.

“So you’re not attracted to my daughter?” Trump asked Arteta disbelievingly. “So Ivanka does nothing for you?”

Trump has a history of…let’s say uncomfortable comments about his daughter. To review, he has said it’s OK for Howard Stern to refer to her as a “piece of ass,” that he would like to say he and Ivanka have “sex in common,” and that he and Ivanka would likely be dating were she not his daughter.

Hoffman wrote that Ivanka herself wasn’t at the dinner at which he questioned Arteta, but that his wife, Melania was, writing, “So even with his beautiful wife one seat away, he held up his daughter as the standard bearer of hotness to test for gayness in men.”

Sam Stecklow is the Weekend Editor for Fusion.

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