5 Things Harder to Get in the U.S. Than Guns By Splinter Video | October 6, 2017 | 10:30pm Features × Copy Link Facebook X Reddit Email ! Marriage licenses, cold medicine, and raw milk—these are just some of the things that are harder to get in the U.S. than guns. Most Popular Who Is Allowed to Kill in America? Civility is for Civilized Societies Trump Ponders Replacing Loser with Bigger Loser More from SplinterThe Syrian Civil War Showed How Complicated the Climate Change-Conflict Connection Can BeRemembering a Play: When Boise State Brought Cinderella to College FootballResearchers Interviewed Former Self-Described Incels. Here’s What They Found Join the discussion... GET SPLINTER RIGHT IN YOUR INBOX The Truth Hurts Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: