Trump Won't Stop Tweeting Us Closer to a Nuclear War

Welcome to WHAT NOW, a morning round-up of the news/fresh horrors that await you today.

Losing sleep over the increasing threat of nuclear war with North Korea? Rest assured, the country’s defense systems are “locked and loaded” should the budding nuclear power “act unwisely,” according to our Commander-in-Chief.

Trump tweeted Friday morning:

Hopefully Kim Jong Un will indeed find another path! That’s all we can hope for, because honestly who can trust Donald Trump here?


  • Breitbart’s war on national security adviser H.R. McMaster is causing serious problems for the guy who used to run the site, White House strategist Steve Bannon, Politico reports.
  • Even as his administration fails to score any major legislative victories while in office, it’s not all bad news for Trump: business is booming at his newest hotel in Washington, D.C., particularly among those looking to rub elbows with Trump’s inner circle.
  • Turns out that if you work as one of CNN’s resident Trump sycophants and tweet a Nazi salute, you won’t work for CNN anymore.


  • A small, beautiful local news story in two tweets:

Congrats to all parties involved.

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