A Minion literally saved a 5-year-old girl's life last night

Minions are the most polarizing force in America right now, but this story might give the haters some pause:

On Thursday night, a 5-year-old Colorado Springs girl fell out of a third-story apartment window, breaking her arm.

Her injuries would likely have graver, however, were it not for her stuffed Minion teddy bear, police told The Gazette’s Chhun Sun.

“Fortunately, when the child fell out of the window, she continued holding on to a stuffed Minion teddy bear that is believed to have cushioned her fall,” police said in a statement.

So, the next time you become irritated by Minions, just remember: These things are saving lives.

(h/t @jfdulac)

Rob covers business, economics and the environment for Fusion. He previously worked at Business Insider. He grew up in Chicago.

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