Cops Across America Are Getting Thank You Plaques for Helping Crush the Standing Rock Protests

The Morton Country, ND, Sheriff’s Office didn’t beat, harass, and arrest the activists protesting the Dakota Access oil pipeline all by themselves. They had help from officers across America who answered a call from the National Sheriff’s Association to come north and help crush the Standing Rock protests.

Now, nearly one year after the protests came to a fiery conclusion, those officers are getting custom thank you plaques for their “help.”

“Approximately 140 agencies assisted our office during the protest response,” the Morton Country Sheriff’s Department wrote in a Facebook post on Friday afternoon. “We are honored to provide these plaques as a small token of our appreciation.”

Here’s one of the plaques, given to the sheriff’s office in Lafourche Parish, LA:

For reference, let’s run down just some of the things the Morton Country Sheriff’s Department is thanking their peers for:

Enjoy your plaques, fellas.

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