Watch ABC’s Martha Raddatz annihilate White House spokeswoman over Trump’s wiretap claims
Having to defend Twitter-in-chief Donald Trump’s social media outbursts has to be exhausting. On Sunday morning, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on ABC’s This Week with Martha Raddatz to further the narrative that former President Barack Obama wiretapped the phones at Trump Tower last year, which Trump claimed in a series of tweets on Saturday without providing evidence.
While Trump’s tweets, one of which stated, “Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped,’” leave zero wiggle room for backing down on the claim, Huckabee Sanders appeared to do just that—awkwardly wiggle—when grilled by Raddatz. The ABC host directly asked the president’s spokeswoman if Trump’s source was the right-wing site Breitbart News.
“But what about these accusations,” Raddatz demanded. “You just keep saying, ‘if, if, if.’ The president of the United States said it was a fact. He didn’t say, ‘I read a story in Breitbart, or The New York Times, or wherever else.’ He said, ‘just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower.’ That’s not an if.”
Watch the entire exchange:
Also on Sunday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer tweeted that Trump is calling on congressional intelligence committees to determine “whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016.”But, like his colleague Huckabee Sanders, Spicer shut the door on any chance we might soon find out if Trump has any evidence at all of these monumental claims: