Indicted Vaping Congressman Blames His Wife for Everything


California Republican Congressman and documented vape enthusiast Duncan Hunter appeared on Fox News Thursday evening to insist that he is completely innocent when it comes to the well documented, extremely credible corruption indictments against him. He also blamed it all on his wife, who has also been indicted.

Speaking with Fox anchor Martha MacCallum, a sweaty, stammering Hunter—who has been accused of wildly misusing campaign funds for personal purchases, including a $600 airplane ticket for a pet rabbit—repeatedly feigned innocence, saying over and over again that the charges against him are politically motivated, and also implied that he was being framed. “What I’ve seen that they’ve done too is edit some of these text messages and make them look different than they are,” Hunter said. “I can’t pull down text messages from five years ago.”

But if anyone did anything wrong, he stressed, it was definitely his wife Margaret, and not him.

“When I went away to Iraq in 2003, the first time, I gave her power of attorney. She handled my finances throughout my entire military career and that continued on when I got into Congress.” Hunter shamelessly told MacCallum. “She was also the campaign manager so whatever she did, that’ll be looked at too, I’m sure, but I didn’t do it.”


Both Hunters pleaded not guilty to a range of financial crimes on Thursday, including misuse of campaign funds, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit fraud against the United States.

Margaret Hunter, how’s the view from under that bus?

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