We Will Soon Be Able to Wipe Our Butts With 'Trump' Toilet Paper for a Good Cause 

An attorney in Mexico is promising to launch a new brand of two-ply toilet paper in honor of President Donald Trump.

Antonio Battaglia, who is based in Guanajuato, plans on calling the toilet paper “Trump Paper.” The slogan for the paper is “softness without borders.”

He says the toilet paper will be competitively priced and a portion of the proceeds will go to people who have been singled-out by President Trump’s statements and policies.

So far Battaglia plans to donate proceeds to groups that help deportees and migrants preparing to make the journey north. The Trump administration arrested 41,318 immigrants during the president’s first 100 days in office, a 37.6% increase from the same period last year.

“I started looking for a way to do something that had an impact, not in a tone of mockery or bad revenge, but in a positive way,” Battaglia, who registered the trademark in 2015, told Expansión.

Battaglia told the website it took him some time to find a manufacturer to produce the toilet paper. But after looking at several factories, including options in China, he found a “well established” manufacturer in Mexico.

“If this generates a business for me that’s secondary, what I want is to leave something useful that supports migrants and deportees. I hope to allocate 30% of the profit to organizations in Guanajuato,” Battaglia told Expansión.

Battaglia said production for the toilet paper will begin by the end of the year.

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