Alt-right racists put up 'white women shouldn't date black men' posters at this college campus
White supremacy…hmm…thought we weren’t doing that anymore. Someone at the University of Michigan must have fallen asleep in class, because fliers labeled, “Why White Women Shouldn’t Date Black Men” have been seen posted around the campus.
The Detroit Free Press has the story of these brazen racists gallivanting about Ann Arbor, posting fliers in various lecture halls. The flyers are emblazoned with a logo labeled “Alt Right,” a symbol appearing to be associated with the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank.
It’s unclear if the National Policy Institute is responsible for the fliers; the organization did not immediately return a request for comment.
The flier titled, “Why White Women Shouldn’t Date Black Men,” features sections labeled, “He’s much more likely to abuse you,” “Your kids probably wouldn’t be smart,” and “Starts with brutal rape; gets much worse,” among others.
In a statement issued to the Free Press, University of Michigan president Mark Schlissel said that “messages of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination have no place at the University of Michigan.”
He continued: “Targeted attacks against groups of people serve only to tear apart our university community. In this time of heightened political strife, we believe these values take on even more importance as people and beliefs are targets of divisive rhetoric. But amidst these challenging times, our core values can help ground our community.”
Rick Fitzgerald, director of Public Affairs at Michigan, told Fusion there were “a handful” of fliers reported to the university.
Students reacted strongly to the fliers on Twitter:
The fliers are the latest in a string of racist incidents on college campuses in recent weeks. There was the blackface Snapchat at Kansas State two weeks ago; last week brought racist Snaps from students at Belmont and Quinnipiac.
A student took down the flyers Monday morning, the Free Press reported.
Michael Rosen is a reporter for Fusion based out of Oakland.