Facebook No Longer Bans Beheading Videos
quicklist: curated
quote: “’Facebook has long been a place where people turn to share their experiences, particularly when they’re connected to controversial events on the ground, such as human rights abuses, acts of terrorism and other violent events,’ a Facebook spokeswoman said.”
their: BBC
their_title: Facebook lets beheading clips return to social network
their_url: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24608499
The social network had introduced a temporary ban in May following complaints that the clips could cause long-term psychological damage.
The US firm confirmed it now believed its users should be free to watch and condemn such videos. It added it was, however, considering adding warnings.
theirCTA: Read the full story here.
our_copy: You’ll always have friends that will be disturbed by gory content popping up in their newsfeed. But this is about more than just keeping Facebook pleasant. The social network is defining freedom of speech with this action.