Republicans Are Terrified Because Their Candidates Are So Fucking Lazy

As a number of Democrats win high-profile special election victories in deep red districts, fewer and fewer safe Republican strongholds seem to be off limits. But, according to Politico, one big problem that the Republican Party is facing is entirely of its own making—incumbents who are sleeping through what looks to be a historically blue midterm wave.

Politico reported Thursday that Republican leadership is upset that some of its candidates are not doing their chores, writing that “more than 40 GOP incumbents were outraised by Democratic challengers during the last three months of 2017, a staggering number that senior Republicans said is unacceptable and amounts to nothing short of laziness.” (Of course, some of this might be due to the fact that they have a hugely unpopular president and a congressional party that has focused only on healthcare repeal and tax cuts for the wealthy over the past year.)

Paul Ryan’s team and the National Republican Congressional Committee have been meeting with these lawmakers to basically tell them to get off of their freaking asses and go through the basic motions of running a campaign. That GOP leadership is worried only warms my ice-cold heart. Good luck you idiots!!

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