The Fashion Racists Have Struck Again
The fashion racists are at it again!
Russian fashion designer Ulyana Sergeenko has come under fire after using the n-word in what was apparently supposed to be a cheeky note to a blogger during Paris Couture Fashion Week. The blogger, “digital entrepreneur in fashion” Miroslava Duma, then proceeded to share it with her 1.6 million followers on Instagram, so now we all got to see it!
Sergeenko sent Duma what appeared to be a bouquet of roses with a note attached reading “To my niggas in Paris,” a reference to the Kanye West and Jay-Z song.
I guess if APC founder Jean Touitou can get in trouble and lose a Timberland partnership after naming a “ghetto”-chic line after the song and saying the n-word multiple times, anyone can!
Of course, what made the note extremely weird and racist was that neither the sender nor the receiver are black. According to The Cut, Sergeenko initially explained the note in an Instagram post, saying, “Kanye West is one of my favorite musicians and NP is one of my most favorite songs. And yes, we call each other the N word sometimes when we want to believe that we are just as cool as these guys who sing it.”
Unsurprisingly, Sergeenko has since deleted the post because that’s one of the worst justifications I’ve ever heard for using a racial slur. Earlier today, Duma, who received the note and for some reason posted it to the internet, published an Instagram press release addressing the issue:
Duma has since been kicked off the board of The Tot, an online retail space and blog for pregnant women, mothers, and children that Duma co-founded with Nasiba Adiloba.
White people in fashion and also out of fashion: Don’t use the n-word. Don’t be racist. Thanks!