Trump Attacks His Top Geopolitical Foe: Alec Baldwin

Welcome to WHAT NOW, a morning round-up of the news/fresh horrors that await you today.

President Donald Trump was up early today wrestling with the top geopolitical issue of the day: “Alex” Baldwin’s “dieing mediocre career.”

No disagreement on that last part.

The president’s tweet only stayed up for about 20 minutes before it was deleted in favor of a message without elementary-level spelling errors.

The president was apparently incensed by Baldwin’s Thursday interview with The Hollywood Reporter, in which the actor said that doing the character which made America remember him for something other than calling his child a pig is pure “agony.”

That’s an interesting remark from Baldwin, given that his portrayal of Trump on Saturday Night Live has been popular enough to make him a #Resistance hero, get a parody book based on the character published, land his own talk show, and even possibly take his agonizing act to Broadway.


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