Where are they now? Revisiting 4 Katrina survivors 10 years later


In 2007-2008, cartoonist Josh Neufeld profiled a cross-section of New Orleans residents who survived Hurricane Katrina. He published their stories in a serialized online graphic novel called A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge, later collected in a New York Times bestselling book from Pantheon.

Now, ten years after the storm, Josh catches up with A.D.’s “characters,” introduced below.

Josh Neufeld is a Brooklyn-based cartoonist known for his nonfiction narratives of political and social upheaval, told through the voices of witnesses. Neufeld has been an Atlantic Center for the Arts Master Artist, a Knight-Wallace Fellow in journalism, and a Xeric Award winner.

This comic was supported by the journalism non-profit the Economic Hardship Reporting Project.

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Josh Neufeld is a Brooklyn-based cartoonist known for his nonfiction narratives of political and social upheaval, told through the voices of witnesses. Neufeld has been an Atlantic Center for the Arts Master Artist, a Knight-Wallace Fellow in journalism, and a Xeric Award winner.

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