Welcome to Fusion on Kinja

Hello, bienvenidos, welcome to Fusion.net.

I’m Dodai, the EIC of this thing. Some of you may know me from a previous Kinja site. And now, in a cinematic twist, I’m back—and I’ve brought the Fusion editorial crew with me.

Fusion’s website began, as many things do, as an experiment. And now, two years after launch, we’re joining our new Gizmodo Media Group family on Kinja. We’re also part of a TV network, and you can watch all the stuff they’re doing here (they’ve got a new look too)!

What is Fusion?

We’re really into news, politics, investigations, and justice, whether that’s for Standing Rock, for Flint, for women and their reproductive rights, for Latinx folks charged with crimes, for people in the Bronx who like to read, for trans people and their voice therapists, for brown girls on scripted shows, for black people on The Bachelor, for people learning to orgasm after sex reassignment surgery, or for women in comics. Speaking of comics, we’re into those too.

We’re dedicated to giving a platform to underrepresented voices—the young and the broke, people in the military, the disenfranchised, indigenous people, artists and writers excluded from the canon, and women, whose bodies are constantly policed.

We also translate some of our stories to Spanish, and do original reporting en Español también, because our readers are really into that. And we make videos across a bunch of platforms, whether that’s being on the scene and broadcasting live from protests, or traveling to Mexico to talk to some “bad hombres,” or chronicling the fight of water protectors in North Dakota.

Who are we?

Dodai Stewart—I write about issues of culture through the lens of race and gender and I’m obsessed with KDrama.

Jorge Rivas follows the national conversation on immigration. He recently ran next to a 13-year-old girl finishing the LA Marathon, just days after her father was taken away by ICE.

Nidhi Prakash writes about underrepresented communities far and wide, from Syrian refugees in Greece to Chinese immigrants in Mexicali.

Katie McDonough covers politicians and policy as they intersect with other things: power and identity, labor and how we work, media, and culture.

Charles Pulliam-Moore is a professional nerd who writes about inclusion and representation in the geekier pits of pop culture.

Ashley Feinberg is the author of the best story you will ever read about Trump’s hair.

Jack Mirkinson blogs in a pinch and has many opinions about musicals.

Isha Aran opines on pop culture, representation in media, and your new faves.

Rafi Schwartz covers everything from the inspiring educators of Standing Rock to subway-based cricket crimes.

Katherine Krueger blogs about politics and national news, with the occasional piping hot take about movies thrown in for good measure.

Molly Osberg went inside a “millennial rehab” for 20-somethings who don’t know how to be adults.

Hamilton Nolan has reported from glamorous places like a KKK convention and a Berkshire Hathaway annual convention.

Carla Javier looked at how strict voter ID laws make it harder for trans people to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Anne Branigin profiled the ways two very lit women are redefining the Bronx.

Aleksander Chan likes to write about men who are white.

Nona Willis Aronowitz just spent a month in Texas, and also has an inbox clogged by confessions of woke misogynists.

Alex Pareene will run the politics desk at Fusion, and is into saying “Fuck everything and blame everyone.”

Edgar Reyna is a translator and writer connecting Fusion’s digital bridge to Mexico.

Rafa Fernandez edits Fusion en Español, and is our Mexico correspondent.

Jen Sorensen is an award-winning political cartoonist. A fan of visual storytelling about the world we live in, she’s based in Austin, Texas.

Felix Salmon’s greatest wish is that his adopted U.S. avoids the fate of his native UK.

David Boddiger is our weekend soldier and a card-carrying member of the Anti-Bigot Squad.

Joyce Tang is into thoughtful essays about race, reporting that challenges how we think about class, and “scandalous women” getting new narratives.

Alexis Madrigal has spent the past few months (OK, more) obsessing about shipping containers, which are really just a metaphor for how capitalism works right now.

So that’s us in a tl;dr nutshell. What’s new with you?

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