An Alabama mayor called her opponent a n****r on Facebook, then claimed she was hacked

It’s been an interesting 24 hours in the exciting world of Midland City, AL politics.

Municipal elections were yesterday and Mayor Patsy Capshaw Skipper, who has held the office since taking over for her husband last February, lost to opponent JoAnn Bennett Grimsley, a Dale County employee.

This is Skipper.

This is Grimsley.

Last night, local TV station WTVY reports someone posted on Skipper’s Facebook page asking Skipper “how is the election going.”

Skipper’s response: “I lost. The “n****r” won.”

When the local newspaper, The Dothan Eagle, contacted Skipper about the post, she immediately denied having anything to do with the comment.

“My Facebook has been messed up for several weeks and I haven’t been using it,” Skipper told the Eagle. “I think I’ve been hacked.”

Was Dothan hacked? An interesting question. It certainly is possible that someone familiar with the election breached Skipper’s password and logged in as her with the purpose of embarrassing her. This theoretical hacker should know that such attacks usually are more effective before a person loses an election. Afterwards, it’s just dog-piling.

Maybe the same theoretical hacker made this post, which is still public on Skipper’s timeline despite most of her recent posts disappearing.

Anything is possible.

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