Fall's hottest new trend: wearing a spaghetti strainer in your driver's license photo

At the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, pledging one’s allegiance to the religion means occasionally wearing a spaghetti strainer on your head as a hat and then going over to the DMV and having your driver’s license picture taken. Occasionally, though, such an action results in the government saying that maybe wearing a spaghetti strainer on your head isn’t actually legal, and you can’t do that.

If you’re Lindsay Miller of Massachusetts, that’s when you grab your lawyer and fight back. Miller took issue with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles’ decision to deny her right to wear the colander because, she said, the colander is a symbol of her religion. (The RMV permits wearing hats for “medical or religious purposes,” their website says.) Via the Boston Globe:

Miller fought the RMV’s decision and enlisted the help of Patty DeJuneas, a member of the Secular Legal Society, which is the network of lawyers that assist the American Humanist Association.
“The First Amendment applies to every person and every religion, so I was dismayed to hear that Lindsay had been ridiculed for simply seeking the same freedoms and protections afforded to people who belong to more traditional or theistic religions,” DeJuneas said in a prepared statement.

Miller, the Globe reports, eventually got the RMV to give in and let her wear the spaghetti strainer in her driver’s license picture. Life is about victories both big and small.

Michael Rosen is a reporter for Fusion based out of Oakland.

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